Sunday, June 19, 2011

Pupsie's Day 2011

Happy Father's Day!!!  :)

so how did you celebrate this special day with yr dad?

brought him out for dinner or u got him something? 
none of the above? but i'm sure that even a nice warm hug or a phone call will cut the deal ;)
all they need is your love and care 
emm.. or are u still in a cold war with yr dad? it's time to break the ice man ;)
yup! on this special day u should give in 1st, afterall he's the king today

enough of the mushy stuff, lol
back to my Papa's day,
just had dinner and a nice movie time together :D
a relaxed and quality time together , simple yet contented
nice and fulfilling thai food and watched Paul with the family :)
it was really entertaining and CUTE! haha

Had a nice laugh! :DD

just a simply and warm celebration together ^.^

spot my handsome dad at the left :))

Since it's Daddy's day,
i wanna share a nice movie that shows how awesome is our dad and his love towards us
it's called : Everybody's Fine (2009 movie) watched b4? nicee right ;)

really touching and reminds us not to forget about our dad and that his always there for us
click here for more info
play the movie and get yr tissues and handkie prepared! :')

Opssy~~ What's with me with movies? LOL! i guess i'm just really into movies
That's all for now,
monday blues and busy days ahead :(

P.S. Pups, I Love You!


Thursday, June 16, 2011

i'm nerdy!

Just a teaser and a super short update!

remember the poster i've told u guys? :)
just another picture that i loved most! haha
stay tuned for more~~~ <3

So what? :D

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Happy Birthday!

On the 11th of June 2011,
 i wanna wish my dear ms Zinc, Happy Birthday!!

you're officially 19!! old old dy~ hahaha
Sorry for not being able to be there with you today, next time ganti balik aight ;))

Thanks for being such a Great friend all these times,
we had lotsa AWESOME memories together :) and i believe we'll make even more after u're older~  
may you always be that happy and sampat girl to share my life with
i'm sure we'll colour each others life with sweet rainbow colours :D

and i'm also really proud of you for finally deciding on what to do,
don care bout what others think and just relax and be yourself ;)
just take this period of time to rest well and recharge your battery for more awaits for u especially pharmacy in the future 

stay happy, healthy and also wealthy!! kaka!

once again, happy birthday and i love u!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Aloha earthlings! :DD
finally finish everything on the to-do list!! yipeee!!! *jumps up and down*
now can relax and enjoy my long anticipated trip! 
ops~ i haven't tell u where i'm heading to right?
when i told my lecturer that i have to leave and gotta take a test earlier..
he called me : the-troublesome-one-who-is-going-to-taiwan.. LOL!
he's just very cute in his way.. haha
so now u know huh? envy much? haha
don cry la~ jie jie promise some greetings from taipei aight? ;)

some flash back of last year's trip :))

this time we'll be more of us ~ 9 kids off to taiwan!! hahaha
and it's gonna be shopping , food , food and FOOD! 
very excited till it dosen't feel quite real la.. lol.. flight's in another 7 hours time ^^
just to say i'll be back soon ;)
dont miss me too much aight? :*

Friday, June 3, 2011


Hey there :)
having a super duper busy schedule lately,
gotta rush all my stuff so that i can have fun during my getaway~~

curious of where i'm heading too?
opssy not gonna tell you~~ suspends sikit ma.. 
haha.. tell u next time rr ;))

this is the sneak peak of my assignment
don get me wrong, i'm studying food science and not arts
were forced to do posters! =.=
lol! but i had fun! haha .. will show u the whole thing after the end of submission
later ppl 'lend' my idea how? :(

U think ? :)

it's 4 a.m O.O.. gotta sleep la..
test 2mr pula >.< 
love you guys!! <3