Sunday, January 9, 2011


it's the new year for alomst a week now :)
so how's it been treating u ?
for me, it's given me fever(actually it's caused by chocolates >.<) Photobucket
had too much chocolates after a trip to langkawi


note: Chocolates are WICKED! haha


almost fully recovered(just some sore throat left) so no worries ^.<

get to meet up with uni frens after the very short sem break ^^
catched up and went for an outing down town
had a fun k session, a little shopping, chatting and Ice Cream!! (although i cant eat cause was still a little sick back then) but we left out the kinda most important thing,taking pictas! ><
it's like HUH?! == .. we've only manage to snap a few on the way back Photobucket

<3 queenie and mua


the-so-called-shy-one, miss mi xue.. haha


kah yee the driver of the day :) thanks for driving us here and there!!


joyce and zhuang mian

besides outing, classes resumed too.. it yells: So Soon ?!
but yeah~ started class on the 3rd :'(
and all the subjects this sem kinda tough..
bio 2, calculus, physics and computing
but getting better results is on the new-year-resolutions-list
so, no more slacking around i guess >.<
gotta work harder this sem ppl!! Fighting!!

not forgetting an extra long k session with the gang on friday :)


there was four of us actually but yvonne went home early
so, that's mua, big head and yet wai :))

we really did enjoyed ourselves that day!
sang some super duper oldies (credits to yv ), shouted out on high songs and most of all the song list was full the whole time even after 5 plus hous.. tell me bout craziness.. haha!


mua and big head :)

furthermore.. (opss, i guess it's kinda a happening week huh, bare with mua for a little while more ya) i've cleared the clothes!!!! :)) (proud of muaself) *claps*
spent almost the whole day to sort out cny clothes and threw some old ones to keep space for the new ones to come *winks*
besides, it's also in the new-year-resolution-list to wear nicer to uni everyday :)
so cant wait to show off some new clothes :)) mostly bought from taiwan last year o ^^

Lastly, a mental note to myself: never start falling for someone once that someone pulls back

I guess that's a wrap for now!! =)

promise for more updates k? (in the list too.. haha) so stay tuned! and nitey nites
have a great sunday sweeties!!(although having some pre-monday blues)

Love ya!


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